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Booshoot's media coverage and Jackie Heinricher's speaking engagements include:

November 6-8, 2017 – Austin Film Society Cinema in Austin, Texas

August 4, 2017
Press Release: Jackie Heinricher invited to speak at EBW2020 Global Summit
Jackie Heinricher, founder of Booshoot Technology has been invited to give a TEDx-style talk as a world leading expert on biotech at EBW 2020 as they ring in a new era for Women Entrepreneurs and the Corporations seeking to connect to them.
EBW2020 is dedicated to Empowering one Billion Women by 2020 and kicking off their Global Summit at the Austin Film Society Cinema in Austin, Texas, November 7, 2017.
Ms. Heinricher was selected to join the hand curated list of successful men and women on the stage as featured speakers and presenters for the global leaders, entrepreneurs, artists, celebrities and the brands in attendance to celebrate moving towards the goal of empowering a billion women by 2020!.
EBW2020 connects women entrepreneurs to funding resources by providing an education system, a financial plan & access to a tribe of like-minded thinkers that will help entrepreneurs grow their businesses and make bigger impacts.
EBW2020 will announce their global partners who are working together towards the goal to Empower a Billion Women by 2020, as they host the EBW Global Summit: A Celebration of The Power of ONE. One person with a clear vision and a committed heart can change the world.
Together, anything is possible.
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